Podcast. Life. And Fears.

I begin this podcast, to promote a book, I’ve wanted to write for over two decades. I’d always put it off. Always made excuses. Then God blessed me with a man, my husband, and he told me that I could stop working a make my dreams come true.
I wanted to explore all forms of writing styles. I begin looking at some of my favorite authors. Angie Thomas, Rachel Hollis, Tiffany D. Jackson, and E.L. James…that’s right, Miss Fifty Shades of Grey.
I went to several writing conferences, seminars, and virtual classes. I wanted to learn as much as I could. And you know what I learned? It does not matter how many courses you take, or how many seminars you go to. You will never be a hundred percent happy with your work.
I’ve written two drafts. One I’ve deleted, and I’m currently staring at the other. LOL
So, starting this podcast, was such a massive thing for me. I couldn’t believe I could get behind the mic, and interview such beautiful people from all over the world. Now, I am in front of the camera! Look at God.
I fought about being in front of a camera. Even though, I have been told time and time again that it was coming.
I couldn’t see it. I just couldn’t do it.
Podcasting I can control. But if I’m on camera. ESPECIALLY LIVE! Everyone will see everything. And that scared the crap out of me.
Just like God gave me the strength to face my fear to get behind the mic, He gave me that same strength, to get in front, of that camera.
So to God be the glory, Worldly Church Girl is Live, and it’s here to stay!!!
Oh, yea! Worldly Church Girl will also be going live on Awesome God Radio! The 2017 Stellar Award Nominated Radio Station.
I pray that it will be a blessing to you, as it has been, a blessing to me.