The founder of The Confident Lily and a Certified Life Coach, Alicia Renee’ Roberts, is passionate and committed to helping women break through barriers and build self-confidence. She believes every woman can overcome, achieve greatness, and live out their dreams.
Alicia Renee’ Roberts has had her share of challenges that caused her not to live up to her worth. She’s felt inadequate, timid, unheard, and downright depressed.  However, her faith in God would not allow her to remain down for long.  She began to work on herself and realized that she was limiting the greatness within herself.  Being an ambitious person, she knew she could not settle for mediocracy. 
She was fortunate to have a great example of a successful, courageous, confident, God-fearing woman in my life to mirror – her mother, Lillie. As her faith and self-confidence increased, she realized her purpose – to encourage and inspire other women to become the best versions of themselves they can be.  She wants to be there for other women.  Together we can build a community of bold, confident, goal-driven women of purpose, women of God.
She is a PK (Preacher’s Kid) who has lived a robust life.  From being a mother and overcoming relationship trauma, to being a corporate professional and mentor, she has experienced it all! Like many of you, she is a multi-faceted woman on the go who could use some inspiration and faith-based, yet practical, tools to make it through life.
Alicia Renee Facebook Page
Live Interview Link
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