Shawnette Braxton can, in a single word, be described as an encourager. She is an entrepreneur, coach, mentor, trailblazer, TV Producer, Podcast Personality, an altruist. Shawnette Is a passionate speaker and mentor, and it is fulfilled through the Dreams Come True mentoring program in Baltimore, Maryland. She believes despite life’s tests and trials, you were created on purpose, for a purpose to fulfill a purpose. Shawnette is the CEO of JALU Collection Clothing Company (Jesus Always Loves U), which was founded out of a dark and painful season in her life. Shawnette has one son. She is a graduate of Carver Vocational Technical High School class of 2000. She also just became a TV producer of her own Tv show called A Word with Shawnette Braxton in April of 2021, which airs on Exposure TV Network which streams on Apple TV, Roku tv, android tv, and Amazon fire stick on Tuesday and Thursday at 7: 30pm EST. Vision Shawnette Braxton of JALU Collection creates fashionable clothing for men and women, and she will soon release a clothing brand for kids. She informs, educates, consults, and maintains great customer service for consumer products, an integral part of an accessible, quality-based clothing brand.
You can learn more about Shawnette Braxon on Facebook and www.shawnettebraxton.com
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