Jiselle Alleyne-Clement is a professional of many hats. She is an Academic Librarian, Educator, and Researcher. She received her MLIS in Library Science from Dalhousie University, Canada. She also holds an MA in Leadership Studies from the University of Guelph, Canada. She is currently reading for her Ph.D. in Gender Studies at the University of the West Indies with a focus on Female Leadership Development in Caribbean Organisations. Jiselle is the lead Empowerment Speaker, Vision Coach, and Mentor through her consultancy, ‘Pearls of Great Price Empowerment Services,’ a consultancy developed for women. Jiselle believes that every woman must be given access to this type of development where they can, in turn, LEAD within her sphere of influence.

To reach Jiselle Alleyne-Clement, you can email her at pearlsofgreatprice1@gmail.com.

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