Witty”, “Courageous”, “Sincere”, “Multi-talented”, “Compassionate” are just snapshots of how the many friends, colleagues, and audiences describe the one-of-a-kind, Crystal Joy. Her resume is as unique as her soul – determined yet comical. Regardless of the circumstances, she is a fighter, not just for herself but all who come in contact with her. She makes the application of her unusual attributes through her church, family, career, and community by her ability to stand strong with or without a smile on her face knowing the hope that she can never deny in Christ. “It’s the strangest thing, the more challenges, disappointments, and heartaches you have in life, the more you realize how true and able God is to fulfill every area of your life. He is definitely my all in all. I am learning so much truth that we do prosper as our soul prospers!”
Crystal gives all the credit for her accomplishments to God. She knows beyond a shadow of a doubt that her gifts, talents, education, and hands-on experience in an array of industries were orchestrated for her to utilize in glorifying God while serving His people. She conveys this through her passion for the arts and compassion for people.
Growing up in the Methodist church, she moved multiple times as a pastor’s kid to numerous cities in the United States. Although uprooting a family year after year is challenging and stressful, she has seen it as a unique opportunity to grow in social skills and a simple revelation: EVERYONE wants to be loved, respected, valued, and appreciated.
After high school and training in the arts, Crystal continued her education in Telecommunications, Social Work, and counseling, and finished her formal training with a Masters in Administration and Education.
Her background consists of public school teaching, radio personality, television and film actress, writing, producing and performing in plays, conducting training workshops in the arts and ministry arts programs as well as a product developer, acting, singing, and writing curriculums and books. Her last role in a film was with the late actor/comedian Robin Williams in BOULEVARD. She is currently full time at Born Again Church as a Dept. Head and Producer of Living Parables Drama Ministry. In addition, Crystal is the Interim Principal for the educational performing arts wing of Living Parables: Northside Theatrical Conservatory.
As an accomplished author, her recent book titled “Who ART in Heaven? Understanding and Incorporating the divine symmetry of arts and academics” is now available as ebook or paperback on multiple sites as well as Amazon. Click here to order today!
For more information about Crystal, go to CJoyMinistries.com.
For booking contact MoJo Marketing at www.mojomktg.com
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