Courtney Owen is a mother of 3 girls and the wife to a God-chosen man. An entrepreneur at heart. She loves anything with self-care and beauty. She’s been a licensed professional stylist for 20 years and I currently teach aesthetics in the city Planet located in Texas. She enjoys writing poems, bowling with family and friends, playing softball, and reading motivational books. She also has a passion for fitness and healthy eating. With her husband, Daniel Owens, they host a radio talk show, “What’s Eating You”. On the show, they focus not just on healthy living physically, but more importantly, mentally. Courtney’s mission is to impact lives and inspire others to do the same in a positive way.
If you would like to contact Courtney you can email her at Courtneybills123@gmail.com or you can follow her on Facebook at Courtney Owens Instagram: womb_man_warrior Instagram: whats_eating_you-radio
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