Stefano is a professional in the Healthcare Industry and was Born in Florence, Italy. He moved to the US almost 20 years ago due to a job offer. He holds an MBA from Purdue University and lives in Indiana with his wife of 15 years, Lisa, his teenage son, Lorenzo, and a Portuguese Waterdog named Jay. He adores writing, especially about the human condition, drawing inspiration from a wide variety of spiritual, theological, and philosophical texts. THE ETHEREAL ROAD: A SOUL-ITARY TALE, an 85,000-word novel with elements of romanticism and magical realism, focused on the dilemma of fate vs. free will. Set in Tuscany and Chicago, THE ETHEREAL ROAD is a thought-provoking story. It explores the essential questions afflicting the human condition and the evolving attitudes towards spirituality, love, and the meaning of life and death. GIULIO MONALDI, an accomplished, 52 y/o Financial Advisor, is urged to reflect on his beliefs and the notion of God when an unexpected shadow appears on a routine CT scan. GIULIO is forced to spend the night at a hospital. And for the first time, he questions his seemingly “perfect existence.” Confronting the spiritual void he has ignored for his entire life. Sleepless, he obsessively digs into his complicated past. He finds the innocent, curious child who attended a séance to defy his God-fearing parents only to be turned into a vicious hedonist by an evil force. Then, his frantic search for redemption; first through EMMA, a witty, smart-mouthed college-mate, wrestling with her sexual identity, and later through his wife, SOFIA, a troubled soul, burdened by emotional scars of her own. Awaiting new test results, GIULIO fears terminal illness. Dreading that day of reckoning might be near, he examines whether his life is worth saving, challenging the role of God. With the clock ticking, his future takes an unpredictable twist. THE ETHEREAL ROAD is not a novel on religion, but a compelling tale of existential renewal that speaks of the triumph of Good over Evil and the transcendence of eternal love. Similar titles include Stoner, by John Williams, Deep River, by Shusaku Endo, Aleph, by Paulo Coelho, and The Shack, by William P. Youn

You can contact Stefano Tomasi at –

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